Lately we’ve been talking about how physical therapy can be a viable alternative, if not replacement, for many surgical procedures and pain management programs, among others.  The facts speak for themselves, and now the recommendation of physical therapy over other means of rehabilitation is becoming more prominent.  Organizations such as the CDC are recognizing the long term benefits of physical therapy over the dangers of opioids and pharmacological solutions in managing chronic pain.  In fact, opioids and other pain medications have shown to be largely ineffective when it comes to lower back pain, where physical therapy has proven to help in the long term.

According to the APTA, “The contextual evidence review found that many nonpharmacologic therapies, including physical therapy, weight loss for knee osteoarthritis, psychological therapies such as CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), and certain interventional procedures can ameliorate chronic pain,” the guidelines state. “There is high-quality evidence that exercise therapy (a prominent modality in physical therapy) for hip or knee osteoarthritis reduces pain and improves function immediately after treatment and that the improvements are sustained for at least 2-6 months. Previous guidelines have strongly recommended aerobic, aquatic, and/or resistance exercises for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee or hip. Exercise therapy also can help reduce pain and improve function in low back pain and can improve global well-being and physical function in fibromyalgia.”

“Physical therapists partner with patients, their families, and other health care professionals to manage pain, often reducing or eliminating the need for opioids. Research has shown that a simple education session with a physical therapist can lead to improved function, range of motion, and decreased pain.”

Talk with one of our physical therapists today in Williamston or Plymouth to see how we can help you manage your chronic pain!